24 Ways to Self-Care Through Covid-19

Hello friends and welcome April. 

Grab your beverage of choice and let's catch up!

Many of us are going through an especially tough time right now as the world is navigating the uncertainty of our present pandemic. Covid 19 has changed our lives in a way that we will be talking about for many years to come.

I'm feeling it with you.

My husband, as many of you know, books and produces concerts. This is normally when event season starts for his company; when he and his team get to execute and celebrate the big events they carefully planned all winter for the community to enjoy. Sadly, the event calendar got wiped for the next couple months and they're preparing for a big change in how events will look in the near future. 

Today is my 15th day in quarantine since I've been home after international travel. If you follow along on social media, you know that I embarked on what was supposed to be a 6 week long trip. After one week away, I returned home to hunker down thanks to Covid. My return trip required me to spend time at 3 international airports. I'm grateful to report that I made it back safely. I'm feeling well, and so are the people around me. Thank goodness!

The main reason for my travel was to complete group health coaching sessions and to be a keynote speaker at a week-long seminar in celebration of International Women's Day. Following the completion of the first week of the trip, I had plans to head to the mountains for a writing and meditation retreat. It would've been glorious, I think. 

Although my retreat is deferred, we were able to complete the seminar portion of the trip. Being a part of such a special event celebrating women empowerment and coaching on personal and professional development is a tremendous honor and work I look forward to continuing to do, now in both Spanish and English. 

Our group celebrating the completion of the seminar feeling excited about tackling our new personal and professional health goals!

Over the last two weeks since I've been home, I've worked my full-time job remotely. I'm coaching virtually. I'm planning the release of my book: Todo lo que Callé, coming out this Spring. And I plan to continue to work while being safe and taking continued precautions.  

While checking in with myself throughout this stressful time, everyday I pause and feel for the people hurting around me. A friend lost his father to this illness. So many of my friends have lost their jobs, along with it their career aspirations and personal goal plans. They're unsure how to keep their kid's days productive and how to support them through home schooling. Some are experiencing increased tension at home with full homes for full days. Some are hurting for their children who are high school and college seniors with delayed graduations and celebrations. These are all very real and stressful situations for many. My advice to them- it's okay to experience what you're feeling. Just remember to tap into your strengths that will help you weather this time, and put your oxygen mask on first if you want to continue to help take care of everyone else. In other words, take care of yourself.

I'm no robot. I feel the uncertainty too. Covid is directly affecting our home and threatens the health of our loved ones, especially those in fragile health. Today and other days since this started, I find myself not only protecting and guarding my health, but my energy too. I do so in different ways: unplugging from my phone for one full day, limiting media, picking up a new book, having lunch with my mom over FaceTime, picking a friend or 2 to call each day, sipping on hot tea in my favorite quiet space in my home, cuddling my kitten Arya, binge watching Tiger King with the husband (It is FASCINATING! Watch it!), going for a walk, getting dressed and doing my hair in the mornings (throw on fun jewelry), completing my nighttime routine mindfully, and meditating. These are all ways I have practiced self care these days and it has been a lifesaver! I plan to continue.

To share the love in what has been keeping me sane and happy, especially these days, I gift you: Self-Care Bingo. Ta Da! 

I created this board last night. Download it. Print it for yourself. Print it for your household members. Forward to a friend and encourage each other to play. Let me know when you get 5 in a row because I want to know :)! 

Lastly, many of you know I've been offering health coaching via web and FaceTime. Now I'm adding a  new method! Watch below to learn all about it! If you're interested in how I'd be available to you for coaching when you most need it, shoot me a message. Zana, my intern, wants me to start Vlogging, so you might as well start getting used to these videos along with me :).

Love and health throughout this Spring season,




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