Spring into GROWTH

Welcome Spring.

Today is the first day of Spring people! We made it!

We can finally hang up our coats until winter, right? Unless you live in North Carolina where we can experience all four seasons all in the same week...haha.

I'll keep my coat handy just in case ;).

How are you guys? What have you been up to?

While I'm excited to welcome the new season and what's to come, I also like to reflect back on accomplishments, celebrations thus far, and check in with myself on health goals and my word of the year. 

I'm happy to report progress. I've been taking good care of myself. Resting and saying no to the things that don't sit well with me or are simply not in my heart to do. Also, being open to those miracle moments that I don't ever want to take for granted. Pausing. Being Present. Reminding myself to slow down when it's so natural for me to occupy my time and space #SelfCare. 

I'm a constant work in progress, acknowledging our GROWTH is positive and necessary in the process.  

Can we talk about growth for a moment? It is Spring after all ;).

The word growth has been weighing heavily in my brain these last couple weeks. 

It was recently triggered when someone close to me pointed out that I've changed. 

Have you ever had one of those moments of reflection when you notice your reaction to a trigger is different than it would've been in the past?

Maybe you've noticed increased patience with someone who pushes your buttons?

Maybe you've noticed that you're choosing to listen to your heart over what others are telling you to do?

That's growth. That's worth celebrating. 

So, I've been experiencing some growth here lately. Spiritual growth.

It's been eye opening for me to say the least. There's still so much I need to learn and work on in this area, but my growth so far has been re-shaping my views on some things and behavior lately. 

This has been positive for my spirit. It makes me happy and I welcome it. 

So back to my story. 

When this person close to me told me, "you've changed", I responded with "I know" and I did so with a smile on my face.

If we're not changing, we're simply not growing. 

Because this exercise was helpful for me, I want to share it with you.

I challenge you to journal, process, or reflect on this question:What inspires your growth?

Do this in a quiet place and if you feel so inclined, meditate for just a moment before you work on this exercise.

I wish you a Happy Spring.


What Do You Daydream About?


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